Omics Dashboard: An Extensible Platform for -omics Analysis
Omics Dashboard is a webservice for the managment and analysis of -omics datasets, with a focus on metabolomics, especially NMR metabolomics. Users can customize their Omics Dashboard instances by providing their own sample parsers, workflow modules and dashboards.
Omics Dashboard is a system of services which together handle the entire -omics analysis pipeline from ingestion of raw data to the production of publication-quality images:
- A data management system with an interactive webservice and a RESTful API for managing datasets (referred to as “collections”), including sample parsing and concatenation, metadata management and permissions management.
- An interactive workflow editor based on CWL-SVG for creating Common Workflow Language pipelines from user-specified modules.
- A wrapper for the Cromwell Job Server to manage execution of CWL workflows.
- A series of Dash dashboards for performing analysis and visualization tasks and a flexible framework for the creation of dashboards utilizing other parts of the system.
An instance of Omics Dashboard is currently deployed in support of Dr. Nicholas Reo’s NMR Lab.